Friday, March 18, 2011

Non Linear Hyperelastic Finite Element Analysis

This post would share Need To Knows & discuss some tips and tricks related to Non Linear HyperElastic FE Analysis.

NeedToKnow#1: The poisson's ratio of Rubber although being 0.5 is considered as 0.4955 in a Finite Element Analysis. The reason being that the Bulk modulus becomes infinity at Poissons ratio of 0.5. Also the volumetric strain equals near zero.

NeedToKnow#2: Nearly or Fully Incompressible Material (with Poisson's ratio nearly 0.5) exhibit Volumetric Locking in Fully Integrated Elements


Unknown said...

may sound lame, but wat is volumetric locking?

Unknown said...

Hello Pavan,

I have published a post titled "Volumetric Locking in Finite Elements". Hope it helps you. let me know.